Home Refinance

College Finances Retirement Insurance Taxation Investing Estate Consumer Debt Should I refinance my mortgage? Depending on when you bought your home, your mortgage interest rate may be higher than what’s available today. This means you may be paying more than you need to every month! Refinancing gives homeowners the opportunity to update their mortgage terms…

Passive Income for Retirement

Passive income has become a hot topic and for good reason. Who wouldn’t like to generate income without putting in a hard day’s work? From teenagers seeking recurring revenue from advertisements on social media to retirees turning their hard-earned nest eggs into a reliable income stream, more people are interested in creative ways to create…

The Income Generation Report

Starting about five years ago I began using the term “Income Generation” to describe the demographic encompassing my clients, prospective clients, and myself. To put it simply, the term refers to today’s generation of retirees and near-retirees. That means Baby Boomers but also older Gen Xers, who are also in their 50s now and nearing…

The Case for Fixed Income

We hear the term “renewable resource” used often when referring to energy — solar, wind, and even tidal energy. Most agree that the practical use of renewable energy is essential for our future well-being. The same can be said for money, investing, and retirement. By planning ahead, Americans born in or before 1970 — a.k.a.…